Vaciles y yo

Vaciles y yo

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

Pre-Entrevista en la radio*

Imagine the feeling of swimming in the sea, knowing where you come from but not where you're going...That's what happend to me.I came from Spain. I was nervous and anxious to know that I would find. Leave everything in my hometown to start a new adventure in Cambrian, Sudbury, Canada. Over 7,000 kilometers were separating me from what has spent my life for 21 years.

I was afraid, I admit, but it was easy to adapt. I came open to all, to newmanners and culture, this has helped me to integrate in Cambrian and Sudbury. It´s true that here everyone is very friendly. If any feature of Sudbury is the friendliness of its citizens.

Here I found a great family. Teachers are happy to help at all, partners are interested in integrate you, here everyone is the same wherever it comes, and international officinal makes the impossible  and possible for their students have a successful and unforgetable experience here. Everyone is willing to make you feel like in your country.

Thanks to all of this is still one of the best experiences of my life. I had time to travel, enjoy as a child in the Science North, in its parks, lakes, and also to learn, which is what I came.

Now I know where I came from and from where I do not want to go.

Photo Contest, Cambrian Collegue.
Marta Nuñez.

Lo que teneis arriba es del Photo Contest hecho para Cambrian Collegue. Por eso, por la anterior historia en el Multicultural y porque María y yo nos apuntamos a todo, os informo de que este viernes a las 12:20 del medio día hora española tenemos una ENTREVISTA EN LA RADIO CBC. La podeis escuchar en esta página:    bajais un poco y teneis "listen online" y le dais a esa que pone 99.9 FM. Y nos escuchareis en directo! Seguro que os hechais algunas risas a nuestra costa!!!

Para más información sabeis donde encontrarme!!!!!
Un bocao para todos


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